Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How do you translate the word "manta" (Spanish) into English?

"Manta" is a type of cloth used to make clothing and other things. I would like to know what that translates into in English. I've already looked at several Spanish-English translators but I know there's another word for it that people would know it by in English.How do you translate the word "manta" (Spanish) into English?
I think it's a kind of crude cotton.

I am not sure why I got thumbs down? I learned about it in Spanish class. It is a textile used to make a certain type of blanket in Latin America, but it is literally crude cotton.
Main Entry: man路ta

Pronunciation: \藞man-t蓹\

Function: noun

Etymology: Spanish, alteration of manto cloak, from Late Latin mantus, probably back-formation from Latin mantellum mantle

Date: 1697

1: a square piece of cloth or blanket used in southwestern United States and Latin America usually as a cloak or shawl

2[American Spanish, from Spanish; from its shape] : manta rayHow do you translate the word "manta" (Spanish) into English?
translator programs brign up the word "blanket"

maybe you have a picture of somethign made with it?

I could only find a picture with a chunk of manta in it but cannot tell what it would make. It seems somewhat course like denimHow do you translate the word "manta" (Spanish) into English?

It means blanket or rug.
blanket and here

use this web site it helps my all the time!


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