Friday, February 10, 2012

Need help translate english to spanish?

Who can help me translate this page to spanish? I need it for today.

Thank you so much

You are invited to join us next Thursday, November 13, for our 9th annual heritage Night. We will be celebrating our diversity with a PTA meeting at 6:30 p.m., followed by a parade of nations (over 50 represented in our student population), and a testing experience featuring foods from 5 continents. We look forward to seeing you. Please wear clothing native to your country of origin. Children who want to participate in the parade of Nations must be in native costume and have a signed permission slip on file with us at school before Thursday evening. See you Nov. 13 at Heritage night.

Additional activities that are being held for our community:

Saturday, Nov. 22: The PTA will sponsor a community flu clinic. It will be here at school in the gym. You can come to get your flu shot. The organization providing the vaccine accepts insurance and Medicaid. Be sure to bring your insurance card as there will be a charge for the vaccine. The flu shot clinic is being held from 9 until Noon.

On Nov. 22, from 10a.m. until 3p.m. the police department in conjunction with GMM Automotive will sponsor a child safety and I.D. event for children from 3 to 7 years old.. Safe Assured will be making videos, recording electronic fingerprints, and making voice prints to give to parents in the event their child is abducted. This is a free service to our families.

Need help translate english to spanish?
A le invitan que nos ensamble el jueves 13 de noviembre pr贸ximo, para nuestra 9na noche anual de la herencia. Celebraremos nuestra diversidad con una reuni贸n de la Pta en el 6:30 P.M., seguido por un desfile de naciones (sobre 50 representados en nuestra poblaci贸n de estudiante), y una experiencia de la prueba que ofrece los alimentos a partir de 5 continentes. Miramos adelante a verle. Use por favor al natural de la ropa a su pa铆s de origen. Los ni帽os que quieren participar en el desfile de naciones deben estar en traje nativo y tienen un resbal贸n firmado del permiso en archivo con nosotros en la escuela antes de la tarde de jueves. V茅ale el 13 de noviembre en la noche de la herencia. Actividades adicionales que se est谩n llevando a cabo para nuestra comunidad: S谩bado 22 de noviembre: La Pta patrocinar谩 una cl铆nica de la gripe de la comunidad. Estar谩 aqu铆 en la escuela en la gimnasia. Usted puede venir conseguir su vacuna contra la gripe. La organizaci贸n que proporciona la vacuna acepta seguro y Medicaid. Est茅 seguro de traer su tarjeta del seguro pues habr谩 una carga para la vacuna. La cl铆nica de la vacuna contra la gripe se est谩 sosteniendo a partir del 9 hasta mediod铆a. El 22 de noviembre, de 10a.m. hasta 3p.m. el Departamento de Polic铆a conjuntamente con GMM automotor patrocinar谩 una seguridad del ni帽o y el acontecimiento de la identificaci贸n para los ni帽os a partir del 3 a 7 a帽os. Confiado seguro har谩 los v铆deos, huellas digitales electr贸nicas de registraci贸n, y haciendo impresiones de la voz para dar a los padres en el acontecimiento secuestran a su ni帽o. Esto es un servicio gratuito a nuestras familias. Need help translate english to spanish?
Why don't you try translating it first? Then we'd be more willing to edit what you've done.Need help translate english to spanish?

"what do i know" that is notttt the translation!

Did you use a translator?

haha, sounds like it.
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